Discover the gaps in your current marketing strategy

Take the Small Business Marketing Assessment

It’s hard to know if you’re actually getting your marketing right.

If you've ever felt this way, the StoryBrand Marketing Report is a great spot to begin.

It's an online business assessment that helps you to understand where your marketing plan is falling short and what it should look like.

Marketing doesn't have to be complicated and yes, it can work.

Take the assessment and get your report now.


whether or not your message is clear and inviting to customers.


the gaps in your marketing funnel.


a customized marketing plan that will grow your business.



Get the Strategic Marketing Checklist

It’s hard to know if you’re actually getting your marketing right.

If you've ever felt this way, the Strategic Marketing Checklist is a great spot to begin.

The Strategic Marketing Checklist helps you to understand the fundamental elements of an effective marketing plan. Use the checklist to determine where you shine, where you are falling short, and what steps to take next.

Marketing doesn't have to be complicated and yes, it can work.


with Clarity


with Purpose


with Confidence

Stop wasting time and money on random acts of marketing...

1. Download the Checklist - Spend a few minutes reviewing the checklist and comparing how your current marketing efforts measure up.

2. Check off the items that are true for your business - If not, leave them blank. If you have more than 7, nice job. You're doing great!

3. Less than Seven? - Schedule a call and we’ll chat about how Aspyr Co. Marketing can help you build a strategy for success.

The truth is, most small business' marketing isn't making the impact it could.

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